Okay, so I guess it is time for some pre-story.
I love Janes frozen chicken fingers.
Well used to love...
They changed them, half a year ago they came out with a new and improved texture. Which basically means you can not cook them properly because the outside burns super fast and the inside is still jelly like, and then the outer breading just comes off, and it tastes disgusting.
Well I was fed up with it and I sent them an email

Dear Janes,
I honestly cannot believe the absolute travesty that has taken place. The introduction of the new crunchy texture to your chicken fingers has completely ruined them. I have been getting Janes chicken fingers for years and when I first picked up a box with the new crunchy texture packaging on them I was skeptical to say the least. And when I first tried them I was completely disgusted. Now, granted they are still better than most chicken fingers out there, but that does not take away from the fact you have significantly decreased the enjoyability of your product. They do not cook as nice, they do not taste as good and they have gone from the premium of frozen chicken fingers to just another average frozen product. I am not sure what research was conducted that gave Janes the idea to change the "texture" of your chicken fingers but you have ruined them. I have been eating these "new and improved" chicken fingers for awhile, and everytime I do it makes me sick that yet another product has tried to improve itself, and in the process has turned its back on what made it so great. All I ask is you seriously reconsider the choice you have made to change these chicken fingers. I have a hard time believing that anybody really thinks this change is an improvement, it is a small change that may go unnoticed to those who do not really care about your product, those with no brand loyalty of any kind. But I, Layne Rieger, have been buying Janes chicken fingers for years and it pains me that yet another good food product has been ruined for the sake of improving it. I feel as though you have only changed it for the sake of changing it. However, I am writing to voice my opinion and hopefully make it aware that by making your chicken fingers new and improved, you have made them a shred of what they used to be.
For the sake of what your frozen chicken fingers once were, please change them back.
Layne Rieger
I love Janes frozen chicken fingers.
Well used to love...
They changed them, half a year ago they came out with a new and improved texture. Which basically means you can not cook them properly because the outside burns super fast and the inside is still jelly like, and then the outer breading just comes off, and it tastes disgusting.
Well I was fed up with it and I sent them an email

Dear Janes,
I honestly cannot believe the absolute travesty that has taken place. The introduction of the new crunchy texture to your chicken fingers has completely ruined them. I have been getting Janes chicken fingers for years and when I first picked up a box with the new crunchy texture packaging on them I was skeptical to say the least. And when I first tried them I was completely disgusted. Now, granted they are still better than most chicken fingers out there, but that does not take away from the fact you have significantly decreased the enjoyability of your product. They do not cook as nice, they do not taste as good and they have gone from the premium of frozen chicken fingers to just another average frozen product. I am not sure what research was conducted that gave Janes the idea to change the "texture" of your chicken fingers but you have ruined them. I have been eating these "new and improved" chicken fingers for awhile, and everytime I do it makes me sick that yet another product has tried to improve itself, and in the process has turned its back on what made it so great. All I ask is you seriously reconsider the choice you have made to change these chicken fingers. I have a hard time believing that anybody really thinks this change is an improvement, it is a small change that may go unnoticed to those who do not really care about your product, those with no brand loyalty of any kind. But I, Layne Rieger, have been buying Janes chicken fingers for years and it pains me that yet another good food product has been ruined for the sake of improving it. I feel as though you have only changed it for the sake of changing it. However, I am writing to voice my opinion and hopefully make it aware that by making your chicken fingers new and improved, you have made them a shred of what they used to be.
For the sake of what your frozen chicken fingers once were, please change them back.
Layne Rieger
You must really enjoy chicken. I will most likely not pass this on to anyone, ever.
wholesale foolery
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