Monday, January 14, 2008

Well this is the Laynesworld 700th post so i decided to do something different which happened to be a pictorial editorial of the adventure between getting up and the ride to and from school which i have to make twice due to a sociology lab. It all started when i woke up at 7:14, which is actually 6:43.

robots and skateboards!

The layne view of waking up, there are naked hairy legs under those blankets.

i settled on this outfit?

here i show my weapon against plague and other horrible teeth stuff

here the battle begins and i put my warrior face on

ate these immeditally after and ruined all my hard work instantly

ohhhhhhh not quite!

went downstairs and onto the comeup

went searching for my stats book which i planned on selling today for a hefty sum

david blaine?

i stole the batteries from a few remotes incase the batteries ran out in the camera but i lost them all in the bathroom at school when they rolled out of my binder and i soon regretted it when i couldnt turn on the television when i got home.

sort of like a face

on my face!

got dressed to go start my car and carrying some sort of offspring

this picture may seem uninteresting but it is the first time outside of the house for the day and the start of the adventure


ipod equipped

my breakfast about to go down

my breakfast about to come up

whiping windows

i have no idea why i took this

the cockpit

my feet on pedals

i dont know why this was tooken either

last thing i see before i venture off to school

complete stop!

switching songs is no laughing matter

just about on the ring road

coming to a complete stop again on the ringroad

stopped again on the ring road

driving at 40km/h again on the ringroad

gaining speed near my turn off from the ringroad

what the fuck is that

my parking spot at school it is a good 6 minute walk and it ends at the farthest building to the left

set ipod to straight outta compton and prepared to make the journey

the clock is 5 minutes fast
here now i left for school and i had logic and econ 202
where i lost the batteries in the bathrom and saw perhaps the perfect female in logic class

pictures would be easier with an automatic but it wouldnt make it right

80 dollars including that change for that stats book that i got earlier in the day

parked right here the day andrew made us leave early from biking so he could hang out with his girlfriend which he didnt

a fellow a4 1.8t

you cannot tell but i am about to enter the twilight zone

back home thankfully

the trusty steed

have to leave by 12:30

here regis drew some sort of genital and looks kind of suspicious

havent seen how hotdogs are made so i can still eat them

checking to see what room the sociology lab was in

put my shoes on

sat down with shoes on cross legged

here we have cody with some sort of sandwhich on student bodies
eating gigantic chocolate finger


the road before the galaxy

sideview of the ringroad!
the dodge neon to the right just about merged straight into me twice
right before this
and right after this
back at school
switching textbooks
set ipod to morrissey and again ventured out into the cold barren parking lot
came back and read the university newspaper while my car warmed up

mitch skipping school again

not sure where this was taken
last stop
kind of spyish i suppose
at this point it was 2 something and i ended up back on the computer looking at femdom


Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

laaaaaayne, I want to read the article about Paper Umbrella, please please!!!


1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

danielle you can read that article anytime you want because i left that newspaper in the back of my car

6:21 PM  

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