The Punisher
i dont even know where to start with this movie, and since even thinking about it gets me extremely excited i am going to throw away all grammar rules.
i guess i will start at the beginning, frank castle who is some sort of fbi undercover agent.
p.s. i havent seen this movie in awhile but i have seen it like 10 times so keep reading.
Okay so somehow he gets this crime lords son killed and then the mother is in the limo at the kids funeral and is like kill his whole family or something
so anyway franks family is at some family reuniuion
oh p.s.s. i seriously dont care about spelling at all right now that is not what matters.
and seriosuly this crime lords mobsters,
p.s.s.s. john travolta is the crime lord
kill his entire family, like everybody just take out shotguns and mows down everybody
now i dont want to ruin what happens here for you but frank castle dies
okay they think he dies
but seriosuly he is pissed off right now at this point in the movie like he is just about as angry as anybody gets
then some weird voodoo doctor helps him back to health
and boom he goes back to america
cause he was vacationing remember
okay so basically right now is were my mind gets foggy
but seriosuly i shouldnt be telling you the entire movie step by step anyway
but basically frank castle goes nuts
i mean his family is killed his wife and his kids
so he is fucking pissed and oh my god things get good
he is an absolute killing machine who is sits in a dark room and makes bombs and drinks and thinks only of killing the people who did wrong to him
like this one part were he goes into a building is absolutely insane
he just steals a bunch of money then shoots some people but it is sooooo fucking amazing!!!
p.s.s.s.s. frank castle lives off the money he takes from the people he kills
okay there is only one place i can go right now, okay so frank castle gets all awesome and is like frank castle is dead, im now the punisher and he wears the skull t shirt
which is way cooler then sewing together some gay skin tight mess
but anyway, so in his apartment there is this single girl andh er old boyfriend comes knocking on the door and wants to kill her basically so the punisher steps out of his apartment and yells at the guy and wow this part is sooo good
i wont even tell you what happens because this part is amazing
okay also there is the best torture scene in this movie ever
a torture scene were you laugh
there is also sort of a scary torture scene that a gay guy does to a guy with a bunch of earings
but he doesnt act very gay anyway so whatever
not that there is anything wrong with being gay
anyway back to the movie
okay so right now we are around the car scene which is actually started by the guitar scene
kind of sounds confusing but just wait until you get here because it will all make sense
so anyway there is a scene involving a bridge and oh jeeez nevermind that is not even the best part
okay so i will set up this scenario
okay the punisher has flipped his car and kind of trapt, the bad guy is standing over him with a gun and the punisher pulls out a knife and the bad guy says dont bring a knife to a gun fight or something like that and then BLAM the knife shoots out of the handle and sticks in the guys neck
okay i was sitting on the chair i seriously jumped up and started screaming
never have i been so into a movie in my life, this is the best movie in the world and i am seriously getting very excited just thinking about it
oh and to explain the below picture
the punisher is a crazy killing machine and as long as you did something bad he will kill you without even batting an eye
jeeez laa wheeez i love revenge movies

okay so this movie is all about revenge, i think i may have neglected to mention this. But it is
now i have seen this old punisher movie and it sucks but the punisher struggles with if what he is doing is right
you know killing hundreds of people for being guilty
oh and i should really tell you this part which i should have long ago
the justice system does nothing to put the guys behind bars who planned and acted on killing the punishers family
so he is like fuck that shit and decides to kill them all himself
and well okay he sets it up so the crime lord kills his wife and his best friend
fuck this movie is so good
okay well anyway the punisher shows the crime lord he is still alive by putting his gravestone on the course were the crime lord always plays golf
i cant remember his name but that really doesnt matter at all
okay so anyway the punisher basically sits in his room and thinks about his dead family and drinks and wants to kill everybody
it is fucking awesome
he has no friends and doesnt want anyway even though there is this super gay love gay thing with this girl
and there is 2 weird kids in the building who kind of become his friends
well there not kids there like 30
but the fat guy in john beniet who is an amazing comic
nay nay
only people who have heard john would understand that
so anyway while these cats are baking a crazy russian guy comes into the punishers apartment and starts to beat the shit out of him
this part is actually pretty funny but the punisher gets his fucking ass kicked
but thank god he throws boiling water on his face then throws him down a flight of stairs and breaks that fucking russians neck
okay this were it gets pretty fucking awesome
so i will continue it after this picture
but yah the punisher is going to fucking kill spiderman. oh and i read the comic were the punisher meets archie. it was fucking crazy.

okay now the crime lords come to the apartment and realize holy crap the russian is dead.
so they go into
i seriosuly just remembered the best fucking part okay okay
i will explain the best part ever in a second
okay so the crime lords come into the punishers apartment and the punisher hides under this weird thing and the friends who are attending to his wounds are in there then the crime lords start saying where is the punisher blah blah and the one guy rips out all the guys peircings and the guy doesnt tell him.
okay here is the best fucking part.
the crime lords left someone to stand outside of the apartment for when he comes back
and the punisher sees what they did to his friend so he seriously gets out of his hiding place and a storm is going on in the backround and he fucking looks pissed as hell and he gets one of this paper cutters like the industrial ones that are basically a hufe knife and he walks out of his apartment and fucking rams it into the watchmens brain
it was fucking sooo awesome
okay now this is the part where the punisher is getting ready for his final hoorah
and is going to tottaly fuck up the crime lords entire life
and he has no intentions of coming back alive
okay now there is the fucking best line ever
okay now there is the fucking best line ever
and i do not remember it
its something like
Girl: - dont let revenge kill you!
the punisher: - it aint gonna kill ME
okay this part is fucking awesome
i wont even get into this part
this is the punishers conclusion
Girl: - dont let revenge kill you!
the punisher: - it aint gonna kill ME
okay this part is fucking awesome
i wont even get into this part
this is the punishers conclusion
this is where he gets his ultimate revenge
it is soooo fucking awesome
i cant even begin to explain how fucking awesome it is
he is a total beast and fucks up everyone
okay i will fast forward a bit to the most dramatic part of the movie
the punisher is done his deeds and he goes back to his apartment to kill himself
so he drinks some
then he gets one of his 1000000 guns and puts it to his head and remembers his wife and kids and is about to kill himself
then he has some sort of life changing thought and takes a bunch of money he stole leaves it in his friends cupboards
then takes the stolen car he has from the bad guy he shot in the neck and drives off to a bridge
this is where he then explains frank castle is dead and he is now the punisher
and he is going to fucking kill everybody who does wrong
basically turning into the best crime fighter
he leaves all his friends which is cool
well they werent really his friends
he barely talks to them
but this movie is so fucking good
i left out soo much stuff but there is just too much amazing stuff to mention them all
so go watch it.
it is soooo fucking awesome
i cant even begin to explain how fucking awesome it is
he is a total beast and fucks up everyone
okay i will fast forward a bit to the most dramatic part of the movie
the punisher is done his deeds and he goes back to his apartment to kill himself
so he drinks some
then he gets one of his 1000000 guns and puts it to his head and remembers his wife and kids and is about to kill himself
then he has some sort of life changing thought and takes a bunch of money he stole leaves it in his friends cupboards
then takes the stolen car he has from the bad guy he shot in the neck and drives off to a bridge
this is where he then explains frank castle is dead and he is now the punisher
and he is going to fucking kill everybody who does wrong
basically turning into the best crime fighter
he leaves all his friends which is cool
well they werent really his friends
he barely talks to them
but this movie is so fucking good
i left out soo much stuff but there is just too much amazing stuff to mention them all
so go watch it.
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