I would like to take this time to personally say fuck you to the 11 year old Jamison Stone
you fucking killed hogzilla!
there was a real live monster on earth and you fucking killed it
The largest wild boar on earth and you fucking killed it
some words from Jamison himself
"I probably wont ever kill anything else that big"
I wouldnt say that young jamison
There is always the scarce blue whale
or perhaps giraffes
or perhaps your father
"What the fuck is your fucking problem you fat ass bitch. You fucking killed a fucking innocent little pig. Does it make your fat ass feel good to kill such an innocent creature. Wow congratufuckinglations you fat ass fucking cunt. I hope the boars babies come back alive and eat your sausage link penis you, fat piece of shit. Fucking fat redneck. I hope demons come and haunt your fat ass for the rest of your life. Do you think your hot shit for this bitch? Well your not fat ass. Burn in hell you rotten piece of shit. FUCK YOU!!!!! FUCKING FAT ASS REDNECK PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!"
"I have to congratulate you because I didn't think it was possible for an 11 yr old as large as yourself to chase a pig for three hours in hilly terrain. Well done, fat boy! For real though. Killing an animal about half your size does not make you a hero, or a model american, or anything else anybody might say you are. It certainly does not make you worthy of being in a movie.
You are a worthless piece of crap and i hope one day another noble american hunter such as yourself mistakes you for a large hog and shoots you about 12 times before your fat ass drops dead. They'll definately need another backhoe in the woods to pick your body up with. I hope you're enjoying your fame. Satan is going to have fun with you when you rot in hell.
God Bless."
"I would like to order one of these terrorist pigs for my kids to kill so they can be good americans. How much are they and how do we get into the movies business by killing them? Could we shoot with canon or grenade for to make different than Jamison's? How can we buy pig that is guaranteed homosexual to make killing more good? Thank you and god bless you good american boy."
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