It is St. Patricks day, and well there is no way around it. Not even the strongest of the strong can escape this day. It does not matter where you live, how rich you are, how handsome or how beautiful. You will always have to endure the day that is St. Patricks day. Well it is actually after twelve so it isn't St. Patricks day anymore. And well on a side note, i am a horrible blogger, the worst of the worst, i am the stuff that scum eats, when it comes to blogging, according to a person known as Danielle. Okay, it wasen't actually the exact words of hers, but i am sure she was getting to such words. Maybe not. But it is true i have not written in this blog very much lately. So here it is, my week.
much like tuesday, but we havent got to that yet. Had an entrepreneur test, and i enjoyed the day that was monday. It was cool, with a soft breeze and i felt crisper than the aptly named chips. Actually there not chips, there crispers.
As i have said it was much like monday. Today was filled with a high wind, and high tensions from all four directions. I had a history test, and i made a phone call to Toronto, nevermind that was on wednesday. Which brings us to wednesday.
And so we have come to wednesday. Nothing much has changed in the world since monday, glue sticks still dont stick, and i still dont have purple pants. But today was filled with a high breeze, and i ended yet another day with glue on my pants. But wood glue, which does stick. Still the same as monday.
Well it was no monday, it wasent even a wednesday. To tell you the truth it was a thursday.
The end of the week. I went home for lunch, had milk and cookies and operated the microwave with an ease that is only seen by few. My shoes came today. Oh, and at lunch i got out early, and i set out on one of the most signifigant adventures of my entire life. I rushed to my locker, i was sweating from head to toe, i grabbed my coat, my lunch, my keys, and the thing i put in the other thing with the clips on it so i can play music, and i rushed out to the vehicle. I knew this would be no easy task, i dashed, i deeked, and i was more scared than i have ever been in my life. I jumped in the truck, started it up and i was on my way. I knew what i was about to do would not be safe, and i knew it would not be easy. I rushed out of the parking lot, i didnt stop for stop signs, i gave the finger to school children running to their mothers in tears from the earlier events that i will not get into. And there i was, 4 minutes later, standing at the threshold of the mailbox, almost in tears. My clock read 11:57, and the note on the mailbox read 11:55. I failed. I was on the verge of tears, i hung my head and walked into my house.
Okay it didnt happen exactly like that.
And so we have come to wednesday. Nothing much has changed in the world since monday, glue sticks still dont stick, and i still dont have purple pants. But today was filled with a high breeze, and i ended yet another day with glue on my pants. But wood glue, which does stick. Still the same as monday.
Well it was no monday, it wasent even a wednesday. To tell you the truth it was a thursday.
The end of the week. I went home for lunch, had milk and cookies and operated the microwave with an ease that is only seen by few. My shoes came today. Oh, and at lunch i got out early, and i set out on one of the most signifigant adventures of my entire life. I rushed to my locker, i was sweating from head to toe, i grabbed my coat, my lunch, my keys, and the thing i put in the other thing with the clips on it so i can play music, and i rushed out to the vehicle. I knew this would be no easy task, i dashed, i deeked, and i was more scared than i have ever been in my life. I jumped in the truck, started it up and i was on my way. I knew what i was about to do would not be safe, and i knew it would not be easy. I rushed out of the parking lot, i didnt stop for stop signs, i gave the finger to school children running to their mothers in tears from the earlier events that i will not get into. And there i was, 4 minutes later, standing at the threshold of the mailbox, almost in tears. My clock read 11:57, and the note on the mailbox read 11:55. I failed. I was on the verge of tears, i hung my head and walked into my house.
Okay it didnt happen exactly like that.
But it is 12:42, and Danielle i have stopped talking to you on msn to write this. Thats first priority blogging.
This was a 8.34762/10 blog.
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