Recently my locker lock was stolen by some cold hearted bastard
Most likely trying to devastate me enough not to come back to school
His goal was probably to cripple my very spirit
And in fact ruin my high school career
Little did he know his goal would fail so horribly
Upon finding another school lock in the furnace room
And using the hacksaw to cut it open
It acts just like my old lock
Doesnt lock, but keeps my locker in business
This soulless monster will be in for quite the surprise when he sees me back at school
With another lock on my locker
I am sure this wont be my last encounter with this lock thief
And this surely wont his last encounter with me
This lock thief may know more about me then i care to think about
He may be studying my weaknesses and finding faults in my strengths
Waiting for the day when he sees the total desctruction of me
He may even be one of my closest friends
Or one of my most hated enemies
But this feeble attempt to destroy what is left of me
Was very poorly executed
So it seems this lock thief is very poorly prepared
And very poorly trained
He is no match for my realistic fm transceiver
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